Music classes with Julia have been the highlight of my daughter’s week: she comes home happy, singing new songs and clapping different rhythms. She’s now learning piano and the lessons with Julia have been the perfect foundation. Highly recommended!
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Julia taught weekly music classes to my 2 kids for 5 years, from when they were just a few months old until they were 6. Both of them adore Julia, who is a very smiling and communicative teacher… a real sunshine who lights up the stage wherever she is. Thanks to her, my kids were able to discover instruments, melodies, rhythm and even learn many songs in several languages (as Julia is bilingual English/German). Many thanks to Julia for her passion for music, which she passes on to everyone who crosses her path.
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Unsere Tochter durfte in der Krippe und im Kindergarten Musik mit Julia erleben. Eine wertvolle Grundlage, die ihr Rhythmusgefühl so gefördert hat, dass nun auch ihre Klavierlehrerin begeistert ist. Herzlichen Dank liebe Julia für Deine liebevollen und inspirierenden Musikstunden!